Below is a pic of Holly...

Living the "GoodLife"
Posted by ladyloulee at 02:30 1 comments
Look what we had for dinner yesterday, I made this using "red chillies, onions,peppers, garlic and tomatoes" all from my garden or my allotment, the other ingredients were bought I'm afraid.The sauce is "Parsley sauce" Only took 20mins in all to make and was soooo Delicious!
Posted by ladyloulee at 06:37 0 comments
Well I live in a city, in a council house! so really im a long way from having my own smallholding, BUT!!! me being me I make the best of what I have and to be honest I am quite lucky to be able to do this. I have 5 Chickens, 4 small ponds, 2 green houses, a flower garden, a water but and a compost bin. Im trying to also be "Green" the best way I can. Below are a few pictures for you to get an idea as to why I say the "Smallest Smallholding".lol
Posted by ladyloulee at 07:54 0 comments